Translation Projects

This page focuses on the great many translation projects that have been spawned as a result of Morenatsu. The page is simple, for a more in depth look into each of these projects be sure to check the Morenatsu Archive Project Data Archive! Clicking on the images brings you to their relevant download folders for the projects that have been archived.

Honey Bear English

A translation for Honey Bear (ハニーベアー) into English.

Morenatsu Chinese (Zoharwolf)

A translation for Morenatsu into Chinese. Released in both patch versions for the original Morenatsu and a standalone version.

Morenatsu Chinese (漏夏汉化组)

A translation patch for Morenatsu into Chinese.

Morenatsu English Patch (MTL Project)

A translation patch for Morenatsu into English.

Morenatsu Revival Port Spanish Translation

A translation for Morenatsu Revival Port into Spanish. Translation was posted anonymously.

Seeking Juuichi (寻找柔一) English Translation

A translation for Seeking Juuichi into English.

Torahiko's Unofficial Route English Translation

A translation for Torahiko Unofficial Route into English.